28 LEDs
I bought some leds recently and am going to build a light. Hopefully a very bright low power light. Here are some tests I have done. This simple rig consists of 28 LEDs, contaiing half and half of warm white leds and the super bright white leds that spike closers in the blue spectrum. Each have a spread of 30 degrees and when the light mixes its very bright and very white. Its so white infact that its unusual. Most of the light we are exposed to is from incandesent and that is very yellow. So this light not spiking in the yellow is quite odd.
I wonder if a massive array of leds mixed and calabrated could be used for color calibration and proofing at a print house.
Don't let the pictures fool you, though it is dim, the room is bright enough to be usable. I intend the rig in its complete state to have about 200 lights and be capable of running off of 4 AAAs.
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